Link | Publication: Kate Ryan, WTOP | Date: Dec. 28, 2020
Under the emergency renter protections being supported by Del. Jheanelle Wilkins, financial relief for landlords would also be available.
Her plan calls for creating mandated matching funds in state or county budgets to help landlords — especially smaller landlords — provide rent forgiveness “because we understand and know that their challenges are a little different,” said Wilkins.
The package also contains a measure to help struggling homeowners.
The “Emergency Homeowner Protection” proposal from Maryland Del. Vaughn Stewart would extend “and codify” a foreclosure moratorium for the extent of the state of emergency ordered when the coronavirus pandemic hit.
Vaughn said the measure’s intended to help homeowners and small landlords, for example a single family homeowner who has rented out space to help pay the bills. The measure would also ban late fees through the course of the state of emergency.